Wednesday 6 April 2016

Lino prints
From looking at Astrup's painterly woodcut prints I wanted to do something similar. Using lino I cut out textures from close-up photographs of wood. I tried to make them as 'painterly' as possible by adding a lot of colour. The thick ink gave a really nice effect to the two whiter ones bellow. The other two prints I laid on the ink less thickly, and they weren't as successful, especially because I was trying to create texture.
In the bottom right print I placed the two different prints on above one another to see how it would create a landscape. I wanted to bring this idea of looking at textures close up, back to my original theme of landscapes. It did indeed create an interesting, abstract landscape, however I think I should work in to some of the prints with paint to develop the textures where there aren't many.
In relation to Astrup's woodcut prints, I think the marks I made are similar to the marks he made for bark/wood. I'm glad I went to his exhibition because it moved my project forward and I decided to look at texture textures closer up. This is when I thought of using the textures to create strange landscapes because the pieces I made are quite ambiguous, so I thought it would work well.


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